Attorney Thomas S. Feher of The Simon Law Group, LLP., obtained a $4.2 Million Verdict in favor of his client, a man who suffered serious spinal injuries due to a rear-end motor vehicle collision.
The Plaintiff was stopped at an intersection when the Defendant failed to make a controlled stop and collided with the rear end of the Plaintiff’s vehicle. The Defendants argued that due to the minimal visible evidence of damage to the vehicles the accident was benign in terms of the injuries. Tom Feher had to demonstrate to the jury that the impact of the accident was in fact enough to cause significant and serious injuries to the Plaintiff.
Tom Feher used MotionLit’s visuals to show the severity of the injuries suffered by the Plaintiff due to the rear-end collision.
During trial MotionLit’s Video and Trial Technician services was also utilized to edit video and playback exhibit slides of the witness testimony on screen for the jury.
Learn how MotionLit’s persuasive Day-in-the-Life videos, 3D Animations, and Trial Support services can help create dynamic and compelling presentations for you cases.