Attorney Tom Feher Secured a $4.4 Million Verdict with the support of MotionLit’s Trial Tech
Attorney Tom Feher obtained a $4.4 Million verdict for his client, a working veterinarian, who was involved in an scooter vs automobile accident. Plaintiff was on a motor scooter traveling approximately 20-25 mph. On the other side of the intersection facing south, defendant, was preparing to make a left turn in an automobile. At this time, a white SUV was also making a left turn. This partially obstructed the defendant’s view of incoming traffic, so instead of turning, the defendant “inched” forward to the left to improve view of north-bound traffic. The defendant had stopped vehicle after “inching” out into the intersection, and the plaintiff suddenly found herself in peril as she only had time to either collide directly into the defendant’s automobile or “put down” the scooter. The plaintiff did the latter and which caused her buttocks to hit the pavement hard and slid about 6 feet along the paved road.
The plaintiff had herniations in her lumbar spine at L4/L5 and L5/S1. She ended up having a discectomy performed which helped the radicular pain (pain in the legs due to pinched nerves in the lumbar spine). She also had a spine stimulator installed into her body to help her back pain. Additionally, she will likely need a fusion surgery done in the next 10 years.
MotionLit provided all the presentation equipment used by both sides for this trial. This included a 75” HDTV and monitors for the attorneys, witness, and judge. The technician was able to preview exhibits for all but the jury on the monitors.
Powerpoints were used by both sides. The plaintiff used video depositions as both trial testimony (Kasimian) as well as for impeachment clips (many witnesses). The technican was able to aid the lawyers by previewing the text of a deposition to be read out loud – allowing the lawyers to look at their screens instead of fumbling through pages of the printed deposition to find the excerpt to be read.
One atypical task the MotionLit technician needed to do was an edit in defense-hired Dr. Shamie’s deposition. Instead of the usual line editing of impeachment clips, some individual words – namely anything about Ms. White’s neck needed to be removed from the transcript and the video and be played as though the words were never there.
To learn more about how you can take advantage of MotionLit’s products and services for your next case, call now and consult with one of our Trial Techs, Video Specialists, 3D Animators or Medical Illustrators.